Volunteering Mini Fair

We had an enjoyable afternoon at this week’s ‘ Volunteering Mini Fair’ at the Berwickshire High School.  It was good to meet up with S5 and S6 pupils and show them the work we do. There was a fair amount of interest in our before and after photographs.  It was also great opportunity to tell them about the new Flowerbed Trail.

They were a nice bunch of kids who seemed to enjoy themselves.

Volunteer task force

A busy morning with the team weeding the beds after the rain brought a zillion of the pesky things to the surface.  The sun shone and we achieved a lot!   Also got to enjoy loads of beautiful Red Admiral and Peacock butterflies at the Crab Apple tree bed.   Replaced a poor Hebe, which had been damaged, with a lovely blue Campanula donated by someone earlier in the year.  A huge thank you to all who donate plants for us to spread around town.   That’s the great thing about herbaceous plants – they get too big for the original spot and need to be split up and moved on.  Plants just keep giving!   Keep an eye open around the beds, you might spot something that is also in your own garden.