Back to work at KDBM
Well, that’s us fully in to the swing of 2024 gardening in Duns! After almost three months of rest and relaxation (as if…) Spring has Sprung and it’s back to the hard, but extremely enjoyable, work tidying, pruning, removing and (unfortunately) litter and dog poo picking. Most of our plants seem to have survived the frost and rain but there are a few inevitable casualties. However, that’s gardening for you – it’s a moveable feast and that’s part of the enjoyment. It’s lovely to see a flowerbed morph from one year to the next. Sometimes it’s a particular shrub or flower that takes centre stage, then, the following year it is a completely different one which has matured in to a delight and outshines everything else. We do hope many of the residents of Duns and all our visitors take time to walk around, maybe following the ‘Duns Flowerbed Trail’, and chose a favourite plant. We’d love to hear your comments and maybe even recommendations!
We have a new bed for 2024 – The Beacon Bed. The Beacon was situated on top of Duns Law and was installed for the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Our Community Council and Festival Committee felt this beautiful hand crafted monument should be in a place where more people could admire it so it has been relocated, with the help of our Borders Council team, to the Public Park and now has pride of place by the Boston Court gates. We have prepared the soil and a good number of plants have been bought which will go in once the weather is suitable. We are hoping to have a ‘fire’ theme for the planting with plants showing varieties of red and gold flowers, foliage and stems. However, as I’ve said – this could well morph in to something totally different as time goes on! Thank you to Pearsons and Duns Community Council for support with the buying of the plants – it really does all make a difference as plants and compost are anything but cheap.
We hope you enjoy Duns flowers this summer and for many more to come.’